A range of artwork, art activities, and inspirational photography and videography will be offered and suggested here. Check out the following:
The photos in the "games with light and water" set of dflora_pix at give a new perspective to the everyday. See examples from dflora_pix to the left. Most of the photographs are available for purchase by contacting
The Three Wishes for a Meaningful Life app included 16 photographs illustrating important attitudes to inform the moment or the start of each day. Although retired, this content is archived and still viewable and accessible at this 3W Cards/Verses photo album and 3W Calendar app photo album.
The Ready Set Happy collection of activities for children at under Publications has many art activities included. You can preview the entire collection before making the suggested donation.
Videos supporting Florasabi resources are at and at dflora_pix on Flickr.
View other inspirational videos at KarmaTube.
What you can try
Try an exercise yourself with art, a very quick one...imagine you could have any superpower in the world. What would it be? Would you use your superpower for the good of all or for something for yourself? Create a piece of artwork showing yourself with this power or showing the feeling you have using this power. Make a positive aspiration about it, like "I spread joy by organizing every garage I walk by, automatically."